Feb 28, 2010

free weight loss and diet programs

This is very good free weight loss and diet programs. It takes 7 days to complete weight loss, I will provide you the this seven-day diet programs.
1 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (no limit), baking bread (no limit), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: boiled eggs (no limit), toast (no limit), coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: boiled eggs (no limit), cabbage salad, pickles, coffee(without sugar)

2 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), baking bread (no limit), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: boiled eggs (2), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: steak, cabbage salad, pickles, coffee(without sugar)

3 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: cabbage salad, tomato, grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: boiled egg (2), mutton, cabbage salad, pickles, coffee(without sugar)

4 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: cabbage salad, tomato, grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: boiled egg (2), cheese, spinach, coffee (without sugar)

5 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), grape fruits, tomatoes, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: boiled egg (2), tomato, spinach, coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: fish, cabbage salad, toast, coffee (without sugar)

6 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: boiled egg (2), fruit salad
Dinner: steak, cabbage salad, coffee (without sugar)

7 day:
Breakfast: boiled egg (1), grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Lunch: chicken, grape fruits, coffee (without sugar)
Dinner: vegetable soup, Chinese cabbage, cabbage salad, grape fruit

Big announcement into, the perfect free weight loss and diet programs, you do not worry too much cholesterol, nutrition or uneven, this is my tried weight loss methods. 10 pounds within two weeks under! and the Free Weight Loss Programs Gymnastics combines better.

Free Weight Loss Programs Gymnastics - Simple

This is Free Weight Loss Programs Gymnastics, It which can make your body more attractive. Free Weight Loss Programs Gymnastics only need to occupy 10 minutes of time, adhere to three weeks to see the benefits.
First: hand Arm
1. Relax the body .
2. Left clip arm, right hand attack. 15 punches!
2. right clip arm, Left hand attack. 15 punches!
3. Completed. Adjustment of breath.
4. The Left arm held up. The right arm downward. Adhere to 15 seconds!
5. Completed. Adjustment of breath.
This is a very simple action, it can make your shoulder more attractive.

Second: chest
1. Relax the body .
2. 90-degree arm and body proportion, The two arms down to middle pressure.
3. The right hand arm and body the same width. left hand arm attack so that two chest clamping.
This is a very simple action, it can make your back curve shows beautiful.

Third: small belly
1. Relax the body.
2. Hands together and then upwards extension.
3. Right leg lunge Left leg backward extension.
4. Arm downward pressure. Lift up his left leg.
5. Completed. Adjustment of breath.
6. Right leg raise tightened after the Abdomen.
This is a very simple action, It can so that small belly disappeared.

Fourth: thigh
1. Relax the body.
2. Back straight. The right foot upright Left foot forward
3. Pairs leg squat.
4. Right foot kick out. Distance of 90 degrees with the left foot.
5. The right foot back. Left foot kick out of.
This is a very simple action, it can make your legs even more slender.

The Free Weight Loss Programs Gymnastics are very simple, you can at any time carried out its effect is very good, you can with the free weight loss and diet programs together to implement.